Grant applications are now open

Please read through the Grant Funding Policy first. Links to the forms can be found at the bottom of the page


Grant Funding Policy

Charity Registration Number: 1205355  


Under the terms of the clubs’ Constitution & By-Laws, The trustees apply funds at their discretion, making grants where they believe that their contribution will make a real difference. We can only make grants in furtherance of our charitable objectives (these can be found on the charity commission website) and within the 8 Lions Global causes and any special causes stipulated by Lions Clubs International. This can be Local, national & international. 

  • Childhood Cancer 

  • Diabetes 

  • Disaster Relief 

  • Environmental 

  • Humanitarian 

  • Hunger 

  • Vision 

  • Youth 

Distribution of Funds 

The number of applications that can be supported is, of necessity, limited to the amount of funds available for distribution in any one year. Funds are distributed on the following breakdown: 

  • 50% per annum to Local charitable grants 

  • 15% per annum to The Presidents Fund 

  • 15% per annum to Club Service projects 

  • 20% per annum to National/International

Priorities of Support 

  1. As there are numerous Lions Clubs in the UK, applications from Keighley & the surrounding districts are generally given priority, with those in the county of West Yorkshire also being considered. 

  2. The Club also considers national & international funding requests referred to them by the Lions International Organisation.

  3. If we feel your application falls outside our area, we will forward your application to the nearest local Lions group and inform you that we have done so. 

  4. All grants and applications for support are considered on their own merits, following investigation by the grant funding committee.

The above priorities in this policy will be reviewed on a yearly basis (or more often if deemed appropriate by the trustees) and may be changed in accordance with the trustees’ view of the most effective application of available funds at any point in time.


Applications will be considered from the following that fall within the objectives listed  above. 

  • new project applications from individuals or groups 

  • new project applications from individuals or groups that have previously been  unsuccessful. 

It may be that the club could provide additional help in attaining the full extent of the application request, for example it may be possible for the club to award a partial grant and provide further fundraising assistance. 


  • The club will not normally support applications 

  • from large national charities (unless it is from and for use in a local branch event or  activity that benefits the local community) 

  • from charities dedicated to issues deemed by the club to already be well funded. • Where grant funding is used for indirect costs, for example  

    • wages 

    • room rental 

  • for funds for purposes for which the government has a statutory responsibility to  provide 

Application Process 

All applications should be made on a Keighley Lions Club application form either online at or by requesting an application form from the Club by emailing See the sections below for the information you will need to provide.

Keighley Lions Club (CIO) welcomes applications for financial and material grants. As a fund raising charity ourselves, we aim to provide assistance to needy individuals from our community and support the work of other charitable organisations within our local area. 

To apply for a grant please, complete the form below and return the completed application by email to or by post to The Treasurer at 26a Maple Avenue, Oakworth, BD22 7HS. Your application will be reviewed and discussed within 6 weeks from receipt of your completed application. During this period you may be contacted by a member of the grant funding committee to talk further about your application.

Individual application 

Please complete the following 

  • Your full name 

  • Email address 

  • Telephone number (mobile or landline) 

  • The section for all applicants 

Groups or Organisations 

  • Group or organisation name 

  • Charity number (if registered) 

  • Applicants name 

  • Applicants email addresses 

  • Applicants phone number (mobile or landline) 

  • The section for all applicants 

Please include a copy of the following 

  • Your constitution or governing document 

  • Last years financial report or a copy of your bank statement 

All Applicants 

  • The full amount required 

  • A date that the grant is required by 

  • A completion date for the project

  • Tell us the reason for your application and include any details of other sources of  funding that you have applied for/received accessed and the value. also what  contribution, if any, you can make. If you are not raising funds yourself then please  state why. 

  • Tell us in as much detail as possible how the money will be spent, include time  scales and a breakdown of what that money is for 

  • If you application is successful the Club may ask 

    • for an invite to your event 

    • that you acknowledge Keighley Lions in the promotion of your event ◦ that you give a talk to Keighley Lions after your event is concluded ◦ If your project doesn’t go ahead then the grant must be paid back in full 

    • Any underspend will be returned back to Keighley Lions so we can redistribute  that money to other applicants 

    • For the original receipts to be provided within 6 weeks of the spend